Olympic Wholegrain Tahini

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Olympic Wholegrain Tahini

Product Code#: 0001536
Availability: In stock

100% Greek product, without palm oil and hydrogenated fats, without gluten and lactose, without salt and animal protein. Package of 350 gr

OLYMPIC NUTS tahini is made in Greece, comes from 100% wholegrain sesame and retains all the beneficial ingredients of the seed.

Made from the finest sesame varieties, baked at low temperatures to retain its nutrients, ground in a stone mill and packed in a glass jar in a vacuum.

It has been described as a superfood because it is of high nutritional value and a very good source:

– Of proteins rich in sulfur amino acids which in combination with foods containing lysine have a higher nutritional value and help the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys.

– Of b-complex vitamins such as B1, B2, E (which protects the body from aging) and niacin, useful for children.

– Of minerals such as calcium (to prevent osteoporosis), iron (for physical and mental well-being), potassium, zinc (to increase the body's defenses), phosphorus, magnesium (soothing, calming, reduces headaches and migraines) manganese and selenium (have a strong antioxidant effect as they fight free radicals), copper (to reduce joint pain).

– Of fiber which helps in the proper functioning of the intestine.

– Of polyunsaturated (omega-6) and monounsaturated fatty acids that help lower cholesterol.

– Phytosterols and lignans that act as antioxidants and detoxifiers and help reduce cholesterol and hypertension in the body.

It does not contain any cholesterol.

So in the context of a balanced and daily diet prevents osteoporosis, protects the heart, strengthens the function of the nervous system and strengthens the body.

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